
GC Student Association

All Global Communities participants are expected to demonstrate a commitment to the program's community. One way of doing this is by actively serving on the Global Communities Student Association (GCSA).

GCSA is a student-led group that organizes relevant community-building events and social activities for the GC community. GCSA subcommittees include teams dedicated to cultural programming, global service, athletics and recreation, global arts and film, and prospective student outreach.

Students should expect to attend meetings and contribute 15-20 hours per semester to the activities of their GCSA team.

Here is a partial list of recent GCSA programs:

  • Cultural Explosion - annual multicultural talent show
  • International Dinner - annual potluck meal featuring foods from around the world
  • Global Service - preparing sandwiches for Martha's Table street-feeding program & Langley Park Street Cleanup
  • Halloween Party for visiting exchange students and international students
  • Global Ambassadors - Volunteering for International Education Week and Maryland Day
  • Sports and Recreation - UMD Intramurals, FIFA video tournament
GCSA is an undergraduate student group recognized by Maryland's Student Org Resource Center (SORC) and from the Student Government Association (SGA).
Click here for the GCSA constitution.
GCSA Teams and Leaders - 2016/17

President: Brandon Greulich

Vice President: Taylor Warring

Treasurer: Samarth Shah 

Alumni Outreach Chair: Katherine Quiroz 
The Alumni Outreach Chair connects GC alumni with current students. This team's signature event is an annual Alumni panel held each spring.

Athletics and Recreation Chair: Connor Newcomb  
The Athletics and Recreation Team organizes athletic events for GCSA and Global Communities members. Additionally, we help to create intramural teams for campus-wide competition and organize hikes and outdoor trips for Global Communities.

Cultural Programming Chair: Elifnaz Caliskan
The Cultural Programming team is in charge of planning, organizing and running the major events that GCSA hosts. This team's signature events are the International Dinner, which takes place around Thanksgiving time, and Cultural Explosion, an internationally themed talent show, in the spring.

Global Ambassadors Chair: Mike Golden

The global ambassador team is an opportunity for its members to positively impact the choices of prospective freshmen to the program. You will share your experiences and perspectives on the program and be the first to make the new students feel like they are a part of the community.

First Year Liaison Chair: Stephanie Arnouk  

The First Year Liaison Team will work to integrate First Year and Second Year ideals in order to create life-long friendships and a welcoming environment.

Global Arts & Films Chair: Grace Gibbons 

The Global Arts & Film team organizes Global Community movie nights a minimum of 3 times per semester by keeping the community apprised of culturally enriching film & music events going on around campus and the College Park and DC area. 

International Student Outreach Chair: Geoffrey Chang

The Exchange Student Outreach team designs events welcoming and introducing exchange students (in and out of Dorchester Hall) to Global Communities, the University, and the United States by planning a minimum of one field trip event each semester and other events.

Marketing & Communications Chair/Global Historian: Katie Dallimore 

The Historian team will help to create and maintain Global Communities publications by report news about GC through Twitter and Facebook. This team organizes a GC scrapbook, photographs at events, and helps compile a history of Global Communities with today’s social media.

Global Service Chair: Kevin Li

The Service Team is responsible for putting our classroom expertise into practice. This group will find service opportunities in the DC/Baltimore area, primarily addressing minority and poverty issues. We are looking forward to working not only with the University of Maryland but the greater DC area.

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