
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

FEA Scholarship Application Deadline Extended!

FEA Scholarship Application Deadline Extended One Week!
New Deadline: Wednesday, January 17 at 12 pm EST
The Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) scholarship application deadline has been extended by one week to Wednesday, January 17 at 12PM (noon) Eastern Standard Time. Undergraduate students may apply here:

Application components to be submitted by the 1/17/18 deadline include:

1) the application questionnaire (including 2 essays)
2) a financial aid form or FAFSA
3) an unofficial transcript
4) a recommendation

For more information about eligibility visit:
Volunteer Reviewer Webinars Next Week!
We have a few spaces remaining for reviewer orientation webinars. Reviewers must have a minimum of a BA and two years work experience. Submit your resume by email toMichelle and sign up for a webinar:
1. FEA Reviewer Webinar #1 - Jan 15, 2018 3 PM EST at: 
2. FEA Reviewer Webinar #2 - Jan 17, 2018 12 PM EST at:

Right: FEA Scholar Christopher Robinson
Chile, Summer 2017
FEA Scholar Yosita Yeerong
Denmark, Spring 2017
Read about Yosita's experience on her blog.
Photo by FEA Scholar Jenna Gallemore
Chile, Spring 2017
See more of Jenna's experience here.

MOSAIC Retreat

The MOSAIC Retreat is a two-day, one-night weekend retreat for students focused on exploring the relationship between diversity and leadership. Interactive sessions and group discussions are designed for participants to examine their identity and how it influences their understanding of and approach to leadership. The MOSAIC experience will challenge, grow, and develop you to become an effective and inclusive leader!

Program Details:

  • The MOSAIC Diversity & Leadership Retreat will be held at the National 4-H Conference Centerin Chevy Chase, MD.
  • A pre-retreat dinner and orientation will be held on-campus the evening of Friday, February 23, 2018.
  • Participants will depart by 9:00am on Saturday, February 24, 2018 and can expect to return by 5:00pm the next day.
  • The $25 registration fee includes transportation to and from campus, all meals, and program materials. Participants’ fees can be sponsored by a campus department, office, or organization.
  • Facilitated by staff and trained student leaders from the Multicultural Involvement & Community Advocacy and Leadership and Community Service-Learning offices
  • Interested students can apply by February 12th at

Monday, January 8, 2018

Apply for The Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program!

The Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program is a six-week summer program designed to provide undergraduate students with a deeper appreciation of current issues and trends in international affairs, a greater understanding of career opportunities in international affairs, and the enhanced knowledge and skills to pursue such careers. The Program usually selects participants (known as “Rangel Scholars”) each year from universities throughout the United States. Students live at Howard University, attend classes, and participate in a variety of programs with foreign affairs professionals at Howard and at diverse locations around Washington, DC.
The Program has two major components. First, in order to enhance participants’ academic preparation to work in international affairs, the Program provides two courses and a seminar that focus on enhancing knowledge and skills related to U.S. foreign policy, economics and writing. In addition, in order to provide greater insight into the foreign policy-making process and international affairs careers, the Rangel Program introduces the participants to a wide range of government and non-government professionals who work on global issues and also arranges visits to various institutions involved in international affairs. The Program also helps students explore graduate school, scholarship, fellowship, internship, and professional options in international affairs.
The Program covers the costs for tuition, travel, housing, and two meals per day. It also provides a stipend of $3,200.
The tentative dates for the 2018 Summer Enrichment Program are June 18 – July 28, 2018.

Deadline: February 1, 2018

Become a Maryland English Institute Speaking Partner!

Are you interested in foreign cultures? Would you like to meet international students and help them practice English? Then become a Maryland English Institute Speaking Partner! Being a speaking partner is a great opportunity to expand your worldview and make a new friend! You would meet weekly for an hour to help your partner practice their English skills that they've been learning in the classroom! You can meet when and wherever the two of you decide is best. Before the program starts,there will be an orientation for all of the speaking partners to answer any questions and provide more information to all of you.

To apply, please fill out this form: If you have any questions please reach out to MEI's Student Services Coordinator Joseph Harden,

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

UMD Education Abroad is Hiring!

Education Abroad is hiring for two student positions in our office. Please spread the word to your students:

EA Peer Mentor - Help other students take advantage of the #TerpsAbroad experience by sharing your study abroad story (and getting paid to do it!). Peer mentors conduct general advising, guide students towards resources for study abroad and participate in EA outreach events such as class visits, panels and presentations. Apply by January 19th. More info here

Online Communications Intern - Get involved with EA's communication strategy team. Our online communications intern will get experience managing professional social media accounts, developing new outreach campaigns and learning how to creatively market and promote student experiences. We are looking for motivated students with an interest in writing and communications. More info here

Global Terrorism Minor Applications Open Now!

Interested in applying to a minor that will give you real-world experience and a comprehensive understanding of terrorism globally and homeland security?
The Global Terrorism minor is designed to train the next generation of terrorism analysts.
All majors are welcome to apply!
Visit for more information, and contact with any questions.

Applications for admission into the Spring 2017 cohort of the minor are now being accepted. The deadline for completed applications is Friday, February 24th by 5 PM. We will be holding two information sessions at the beginning of the semester for students to come learn more about the logistics of the minor from our new Undergraduate coordinator, Liz Wasden, as well as our Peer Advisor, Emily Quinn. Information sessions will be held on:

Tuesday, January 31st at 5PM in TYD 2102
Wednesday, February 1st at 5PM in TYD 2102 

Mark your calendars now to be sure to learn more about the program!

Click the following link to read through the information on our website or to start your application:

PAID Job Opportunity (Survey Coding; Spring 2017)

Katherine Sawyer, GVPT grad, is looking to hire two students who are fluent in Spanish to code some of her surveys. She can pay $10-12 per hour for the spring semester, and can be reached at